What We Do

We partner with churches, ministries, faith based organizations, businesses, brands and more to coordinate various forms of events, gatherings, activities, initiatives, networks, outreaches and other efforts that unite the body of Christ.

Similarly, using social media, our app (coming soon) and other online efforts, we continue to create a culture and lifestyle of unity by making it easier than ever for Christians to connect and engage with the body of Christ how they want, when they want, wherever they are. 

We Focus On the Essentials

Here at UNITED, we believe that unity does NOT mean uniformity. By being a 3rd party organization that remains unbiased to any one church, affiliation, or denomination, we are able to unify the body of Christ by coming together in the essentials of the Christian faith and respecting all doctrinal differences beyond that. This also enables us to coordinate efforts as well as celebrate, edify, and promote what the local and global body of Christ is doing in it’s entirety.